Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Okay, my tribute to Pride and Prejudice is over.:) We had just rented the movie, and I remembered my mulling thoughts, particularly in the interesting angle some take with the book, and it just had to come out. Strange!

The poetry group is forming. We have nine who are interested. It strikes me as crazy that women (and a potential guy) are seriously saying, "Yes! I'm there! (Or, interested in finding out more). I guess I've been a closet type for so long that I forget that the world longs for uplifting language and words. So cool.

Here are the books I'm reading to help me obsess about the topic!

Frances Mayes, "The Discovery of Poetry"

Susan Goldmsith Wooldridge, "poemcrazy: freeing your life with words"

Mary Oliver, 'Rules for the Dance: a handbook for writing and reading metrical verse"

Robert Pinsky, "The Sounds of Poetry"

Heather McHugh, "Hinge and Sign"

Mary Oliver, "New and Selected Poems

Alan Dugan, "Poems Seven"

"Imagist Poetry: An Anthology"

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