Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Let the cleansing of bad, unhealthy habits begin again! I must admit, I must start anew myself.

For over two months, I kicked my unwholesome addiction to sugar with excellent results (five pound weight loss, better mental clarity, less emotional ups and downs). It was one of those healthy worth-it experiences. All the evil sugary foods were replaced by those with nutritional content which had been placed to the side. Fruits, vegetables, milk, nuts never tasted so good. I felt healthier than I've ever felt before.

Immediately post-Halloween, I succumbed to several Butterfingers ... and then, slowly with moderation, but surely, I began to intake more sugar again. The crescendo began around my son's 12th birthday party (did you see the picture of that cookie cake? Mmmmmm...). Then around Christmas time, I began eating whatever I wanted, thinking of the purging to come on January 1st.

Now, it's January 1st, and I'm excited to resume back to life without sugar. For me, it's a much better life physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I would be stupid to not go back to it.

The cleansing feels good, too. Christmas, to me, bah humbug, can get so overridden with junk of much kind. I like the minimal season that's approaching, and one that readies us for the flourish of Spring. We'll have Valentine's Day when the stores try to overwhelm us with red and pink, the chocolate, the due-to-us emotional sugary rewards. But, for the most part, the months will be quiet and preparatory for a warmer time, another spiritual season which we can approach stripped down and dependent once more upon the better Sustenance. Plus, those coming bathing suit days .... ah!

If you are wanting to take out sugar from your diet, I would suggest joining the kicksugar yahoo group at There's excellent advice and support from these people who put this together. If you want support from me, just let me know, and we can be accountable to one another.

Take care, and let the new healthier year begin!

1 comment:

Sean Carter said...

This is the new year and a fresh begining for all of us...and lets all begin it in a wonderful...and it's the season for love and all the wonderful things ib i'd like you to visit my blog sometime and share some of the love and romance that's there!!!