Friday, October 06, 2006

Last night, I went to an interracial Christian support circle, began last night by a woman in a difficult neighborhood. It was truly interracial, not just a token here or there of white or black, we were mixed up because we are all Mixed UP. It was wonderful. I received motherly support backed by claims of victory. Have I claimed "victory" lately or does it still sound archaic? These women brought back the modernity of it for me, the timelessness of faith in Jesus and the hope that we do have victory in Him. We all cried for our kids. I was advised again and again to let my daughter go, as she did yesterday, and God will bring her back. There will be buffers. I can hope for the faithful application of the Father himself in her life. I have to release all my pain disappointment fear and let him replace it with certainty of faithfulness and care and hope. We all prayed for our similiar painful situations and to be warriors through it. Okay, I was a little stiff in the circle, yet the Spirit was fluid all around. I definitely needed a church like this in my life.

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